Saturday 16 April 2011

The Anti's lack of Emotional Intelligence

I don't for one minute expect the anti brigade to have any concept of what emotional intelligence actually is because without any, comprehension is nigh on impossible. For the rest of us, emotional intelligence are mental processes including appraisal and the expression of emotion in self, which suggests that people skilled in this area can recognise and respond more appropriately to their own emotions and such emotionally intelligent individuals can also better express their emotions to others. They appear to be more talented at recognising others reactions, thus producing empathic responses to them. Something the McCann haters are completely incapable of. Individuals skilled at accurately gauging others' responses are usually talented at choosing socially adapted behaviours in their response. Thus others should see them as warm and genuine in contrast to individuals who lack such skills who can often appear impolite or diffident. All in all, it can be said that the emotionally intelligent should be at an advantage in adaptively solving problems encountered in life whilst those who are not, create them.

Monday 11 April 2011

Tony Bennetts 50 reasons nonsense.

Lets look at claim number 1.

1.The McCanns originally claimed they found the shutters and window of the childrens room open. They phoned relatives that night saying ' an abductor broke in and took Madeleine'. But when the police and the manaagers of the complex declared there was no sign of a forced entry, they soon changed their story, saying they must have left the patio doors open. The window had been cleaned the day before. Only Kate McCanns fingerprints were found on the window.


Bennett you numpty, any one with any ounce of common sense would realise that Kate's reactions were perfectly normal. She returns to find her daughter missing and the window and shutters open. What do you think she is going to think, maybe that she just disappeared into thin air? Only after inspection was it discovered that it hadn't been forced from the outside. She then proposed that an abductor may have gained entry from the patio doors as they weren't locked. Any normal person would have said the same. Apart from idiots like yourself of course.

And incidentally, there were other prints on the shutters. It was only Kate McCanns who could be identified.

After this nonsense is it any wonder that no one (apart from the numpties on that pathetic forum) can take you seriously.

Back in your face sunshine.............get yourself a life!